Off to Costa Rica we go!

Coyle Family Sunscreen Stock for Costa Rica!

Coyle Family Sunscreen Stock for Costa Rica!

They say that you should go on a family holiday once every 16 years, whether you need it or not. 

Well, okay, maybe they don’t say that but that is the new Coyle Family Motto!  Happily, we are embarking on our first off-Coast family holiday EVER by flying to Costa Rica tomorrow.  Of course, as most of you know, Dave works extremely hard and it will be gratifying to see him on a beach, relaxing with our 3 kids.  We’ve packed baseballs and baseball gloves, a football, a Frisbee, playing cards, books and a TON of sunscreen.  He’s also quite keen to have a surf and has been fairly obsessively watching beach/wave cams online for the past few nights.  They don’t call him Big Wave Dave for nothing!

As for our store, we both feel so lucky that we will be able to leave the running of it to the extremely capable hands of our staff while we are gone.   So I’m sending out pre-gratitude to our amazing staff!!  The store will remain open 7 days a week and is packed and looking beautiful with our multiple new loads of exciting merchandise from the Toronto Gift Show.  Come say hello to the gang while we are gone…. And Dave and I will see you soon!

Pura Vida!